It's been a while since I've posted anything...I guess I'll just add the usual excuse of no time! It's not a very exciting excuse, but pretty true for the most part. My computer is dead in the water right now, so I'm using my son's laptop - Thanks Joe!
The title for this entry kind of sums up my life right now. My wonderful wife is currently in Peru, visiting a missionary friend of ours. From her e-mails, I can tell she is enjoying her time there, but is getting more tired and ready to come home. She's been gone for 8 days now, with one more week to go. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Fortunately, I haven't had to many opportunities to test that hypothesis! This time apart truly does remind me how much a part of me she is. Without a doubt, she is by best friend, my soul mate, my true north, my better half - and yes, she really does complete me. She reminds me that when God created Adam, it was the first time he created something where the Bible doesn't follow by saying "and it was good". Instead, it says that God decided that it was NOT good for man to be alone, so he created a woman.
Before Ginger left, we were watching a movie that contained many famous quotes. From there, we started talking about famous quotes about love. Here's some of my favorites...these aren't all from movies - some are songs, others quotes from other famous people..
"If love for you were a country, I'd be China" - paraphrased from City Slickers
"I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more, just to be the man who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door" - The Proclaimers (and Steven Curtis Chapman)
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because your reality is better than your dreams" - Dr. Seuss
"Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs...what's wrong with that?" - Paul McCartney
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother" - Theodore Hesbergh
"Happy Wife...Happy Life" - Jeff Allen (OK, it's not so much about love, but if you're married, it can be valuable advice!
"We will sleep under the same moon tonight...we will walk under the same sun tomorrow" - Bob Bennett
OK - it's late..time to head for bed....goodnight, honey!
Awesome post, Dave!