I’ve been thinking a lot this week about grace. It still
amazes me that there is nothing I can do to earn God’s favor; no matter how
hard I try, I will still fall short.
This morning at church, Rex Koivisto gave an illustration to
highlight a point in his message. He spoke of students in his college classes
who see their final grade, and ask him “Why did you give me this grade?” His
answer? “I didn’t give it to you – you earned it.”
As we moved from the message into communion, I thought of
that illustration in reverse as it pertains to grace. With God, when we get to
heaven, we will approach the gates of heaven knowing we do not deserve to
enter. If we were to receive a report card for our time on earth, we know we
would not receive a passing grade. And yet, when we see the final grade, we
will be amazed at the passing grade we see. We’ll say, “Why did you give me
this grade? I did nothing to earn this!” And God will look at us and say, “You
didn’t earn it – I gave it to you.”